No One is Perfect

Hey y’all. Happy Saturday!

Lately, a few thoughts have kept popping into my head that i felt like i needed to share and put out there. I thought maybe y’all could relate and you know me, i love to ramble lol.

So let’s just dive right in.

I think it’s so easy to fall into the comparison game. Or judging other people and how we perceive them or their lives. We see people on social media, or even in real life, and think about how PERFECT they are and how PERFECT their life must be. They have the perfect job, boyfriend, life, family, body, what have you… We think that they have it all together… and then we start to question ourselves. And our lives. And it can make us feel like crap.

Honestly, you never really know what anyone is going through. The person with the perfect body could be struggling with an ED. The person with the perfect job could hate going to work every morning. The person with the amazing boyfriend could be feeling lonely… The person that is always SO HAPPY could cry themselves to sleep every night… you just never know.

It’s easy to post on social media when everything is going amazing and perfect. But it’s not always easy to post when you’re struggling. And that’s normal and that’s okay. Just something to think about.



As someone who is “fit”, i can definitely relate to this. Some days i struggle with the comparison game. Sometimes i struggle with stepping on the scale (honestly, if i know i struggle with this, i just don’t weigh myself all together… know yourself and what’s good for your mental health). I’m not always perfect with counting my macros or always getting to the gym … Sometimes i don’t want to post on social media bc i feel like my body doesn’t look its best… I can question myself and my progress, blah blah…

i never want other people to think that i “have it all together” because i don’t. And that’s okay..

Everyone struggles. No one is perfect. And it’s important to realize this. You can’t expect your journey- in life, fitness, career, personal, whatever- to be the same as everyone else. Your journey is 100% your own. And that’s the fun part. Don’t let your skewed perception of others’ lives make you feel like crap about yourself. If you follow someone on IG that leaves you feeling like crap about yourself or your progress, HIT THAT UNFOLLOW BUTTON! You (and I) don’t need that kind of negativity. Follow people that are real and honest and don’t make you question how AWESOME you are.

I guess the point of these rambles is to tell you that no one is perfect. You can’t judge anyone based on their social media posts or how they act when you see them out and about in real life. We are all going through things and that’s just a part of life and that doesn’t make you any less awesome. We are all a work in progress.

So yeah, can anyone relate to these rambles? Do you struggle with the comparison game? Self doubt? Judging others based on what you see on social media?? Let me know in the comments and share how you are going to go about changing this negative behavior.

Personally, i am going to get back into journaling, focusing less on social media and focus more on my life and the goals that i want to accomplish.

Thanks for reading my rambles and talk soon,


Tell me your thoughts!