The Cut is Over

Hello, my beautiful people!! Happy Tuesday! I asked some of y’all over on my Instagram if you would be interested in a recap of my cut and how it went, what I’m doing now, etc etc and the majority of you voted “Yes”… so here we are.

I dieted with my coach, Eric, of @dynamicduotraining for a total of 22 weeks. ( I did do a 14 week diet update on my blog here back in April… go check that out here if you havent yet).

22 weeks was/is a long ass time to be dieting without the end goal of stepping on stage for a bikini competition. I wanted a lean physique without having to take the drastic IMG_5212measures required to step on stage. I didn’t want my calories to get SUPER low and I didn’t want to be doing hours upon hours of cardio. I set my sights on a specific number on the scale and wanted to reach that number by the time Morgan and I went on our vacation to the beach… and I DID!

From Week 1 to Week 22: 

My carbs dropped 60 grams total.

My fats dropped 10 grams total.

My protein dropped 10 grams total.

At the near end of my cut, we switched from a 6 normal- 1 high day carb cycle to a 5 low days- 2 high days cycle. Having two high carb days back to back was LIT and this was the only way I was going to push through those 5 consecutive lower carb days.

If you didn’t know, i follow Flexible Dieting… which means no foods are off limits. I am given a certain number of carbs, fats, and protein for the day and i am able to fill those numbers with the foods of my choice. If i want a donut, i can have a donut and fit that in. If i want chicken and broccoli, i fit that in. All foods can fit into a healthy diet in moderation.

In regards to my training and cardio:

I started out with 1 HIIT sesh with 8 intervals, 2 – 30 min MISS sessions, and 1- 30 min LISS session per week.

By the end, i was doing 1 HIIT sesh with 12 intervals and 3- 70 min MISS sessions…. per week. (I could split this up however i chose).

For me, this was A LOT of cardio. I would typically split up my 70 minute sessions and do 40 one day and 30 mins another day OR 40 mins before my lift and 30 mins after. The purpose of cardio in a dieting phase is to create a caloric deficit. In my case, I told my coach I would rather do more cardio and eat more…. than eat less and do less cardio… personal preference.

Throughout my entire dieting phase I was still lifting 4 or 5 days per week… training abs 2 times per week (typically…. sometimes only once) and taking 1 complete REST day from the gym. Rest is CRUCIAL for recovery especially during a dieting phase. I was still lifting “heavy” and didn’t slack in the gym just because I was dieting.

Another factor that we controlled during my dieting phase was my NEAT…. nonexercise activity thermogenesis. We increased that from 10,000 steps a day to 12,000 steps a day. This was pretty easy for me to hit if I worked (hello, I’m a server and we are on our feet NONSTOP)…. If i didn’t work, it was a little more difficult but that just meant that Morgan and I would go for a nightly walk around the block.

By the time my birthday rolled around, I knew that I was about ready to be done dieting. I was having more cravings, having more thoughts about just not hitting my macros, I was tired, I was hungry… and I was honestly just “over it”… but I set out to reach my goal… so I pushed through knowing that the end of my dieting phase was within reach.

The initial plan was to diet up until we left for the beach… Well the week before the beach, I went out for Taco Tuesday with some friends… and got a REALLY bad case of food poisoning. Needless to say that last week of “dieting” did not go as planned because I couldn’t eat anything at all, couldn’t leave my bed, and just felt terrible. By Friday, I could finally eat and drink without throwing up…. Thank you saltines and chicken and rice soup. At that point, I just wanted to replenish and hydrate my body because I was super dehydrated, I felt weak, and hitting my macros was the last thing on my mind lol.

IMG_5451 I updated my coach that following Monday, told him about my food poisoning, and he took that as a sign this dieting phase should be over…. and I couldn’t have agreed more lol BRING ON THE FOOD!

Now, a week later, I am “reverse dieting”…. This means upping my calories, decreasing cardio, and I am no longer trying to lose any more weight. We increased my calories by 25% from the end of my cut, and have drastically cut my cardio by more than half… and yo girl, is here for it.


The Scale Progress. There are daily fluctuations however the downward trend is what matters.

I did not lose weight every single week while doing this cut but by staying consistent and putting in the work,

I lost a total of about 15 lbs as well as several inches on my waist and my hips.This didn’t happen over night but I am honestly really happy and proud of how my cut went. I kept the shape in my glutes, my face is less chubby, I feel tight, I feel good… I am feeling myself haha. #NoShame

Here are some progress pictures from along the way. Sorry, some of the angles and lighting are different…. The first day Morgan took my progress pics and the last two are all self timer…. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do…. But nonetheless, you can still definitely see progress. (As always, if you have anything negative to say about the fact that I am in a bra and boy shorts you can keep quiet and exit stage left…)

Left: January 2, 2018     //     Middle: April 16, 2018     //     Right: Yesterday June 18. 2018


So what’s next? 

Besides increasing my calories, eating more, decreasing my cardio (but still keeping some in because #HeartHealth), I am not entirely sure. I have about two more weeks with my coach before I am on my own. I know that I am more than capable of nailing my “reverse diet” because of my own knowledge as well as utilizing all the tools my coach has given me. I want to focus on muscle growth.. specifically in my glutes and shoulders (typical bikini girl lol) and I also want to work on increasing my strength in the gym again. I have been toying with the idea of a tough mudder… I believe there is one in November here in NOLA, but that is tbd. Maybe a powerlifting meet? Who knows.

I think it is super important to set new goals after you accomplish a goal because it helps motivate you and gives you something to work towards. Once I know what my next goal, or the next step is, I will be sure to share that with all of you.

So yeah guys, there you have it. An update on my cut. I am by no means saying anyone needs to diet for 22 weeks like I did but this is the dieting phase that worked for me. After deciding not to compete this year, I still wanted to feel confident for summer and I also wanted to support Morgan during her prep… So I dieted “for fun”…. I’m crazy, i know lol. But we are officially closing the chapter on this cut and we are onto the next goal.

If you have any questions about my cut, training, nutrition, anything…. Please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I am always happy to help and answer any questions you may have. Also, if you have any ideas for future posts, please let me know too!

I hope y’all are having a great day and talk soon,


July Favorites

Hello, my friends! Happy Friday! It blows my mind how fast this summer has flown by and i know i can’t be the only one. It’s already August, like wtf… So crazy. It has been a hot minute since i have done a “Monthly Favorites” blog post- since April i believe, so that is what we are going to do today… a July Favorites blog post. Here we go…

  1. Birds Eye Mashed Cauliflower. 

    As someone who was dieting for a minute, your girl has time to find a few great low carb food options… and this is one of them. This mashed cauliflower works as a good substitute for the higher carb mashed potatoes we all know and love. It has a slightly different texture than mashed potatoes but it’s still similar. Don’t be scared if you do not like cauliflower. Cauliflower is a vegetable that takes the flavor of the seasonings and foods you add to it, so even if you aren’t a huge fan of cauliflower, i still recommend giving this a try. This mash is not seasoned so I typically add some seasonings such as salt, pepper, garlic, and spray butter. Yum. Macros for this cauliflower mash is on point: 50 calories- 3F/6C/2P per serving. A serving is a 1/2c or 120 grams…which is a respectable serving. I found these at Target.

  2. Riced Cauliflower. 

    Can you tell I have been on a cauliflower kick lately? I have eaten this every single day since i got back from California… over two weeks ago. I like to make a “low carb” chipotle bowl… that i mentioned in my last blog post. This bowl consists of shredded lettuce, cauliflower “rice”, onion, refried beans, tomato, and a protein of some sorts- either chicken or ground turkey typically. SO SO good.


    Low Carb “Chipotle” Bowl

    It has a similar texture as rice and makes for a delicious low carb chipotle bowl… saves you some money as well. This particular brand i found at Target. This would be delicious added to a stir fry or even as a low carb version of “fried rice”. Macros for this particular version are: 25 Calories- 0F/5C/2P.  I do find another version of this that is not the medley version at Walmart… however, the past two times I have gone, they have been sold out. I believe that one has 3 carbs per serving but irregardless. Awesome food find if you are looking for low carb options.

  3. Birds Eye Zucchini Lentil Pasta. 

    Is this blog post turning into me raving about Birds Eye Veggie Made products? lol. Oh well. So, i have never been a huge fan of pasta. Yes, i like it… but I never am like, “Wow, i really want pasta”. I would just rather get my carb sources else where. Well, in an effort this past month to “switch up” my food choices, i found this. Listen to these macros… For the marinara sauce pasta, 150 Calories: 3.5F/21C/8P…. 21 CARBS GUYS! This is absolutely unheard of for a serving of pasta. They also have a version with a cheese sauce that is also delicious. If you are looking for a lower carb pasta, 10/10 would recommend this brand. I have only been able to find these at Target, however, the past two times i went, they were sold out. (get your wish together, target!) So, if you find these, better stock up.

  4. Avocado. My favorite source of fat right now, in addition to peanut butter of course, is avocado. I put it on everything. On my eggs, on my toast, on rice cakes, with chicken and veggies, everything and it’s so so good. Avocado has so many health benefits such as helping to lower bad cholesterol and improving brain function. It is high in fiber and potassium and contains over 20 vitamins and minerals. Plus, it tastes DELICIOUS. How could you not love something that tastes so delicious? Haven’t had it in a while? Go get yourself some avocados and i guarantee you will be hooked.
  5. Blueberries.


Blueberries are currently my favorite fruit. Since California i have been obsessed. They are delicious by themselves, in pancakes, in oatmeal, or topped with reddi whip. I like to add them on top of my daily protein ice cream at the end of the night. Blueberries have a lot of health benefits as well. They contain a lot of antioxidants, are high in fiber, and contain so many vitamins and minerals such as potassium, vitamin b6, vitamin c and vitamin a… to name a few. If you have been sleeping on blueberries lately, i definitely recommend picking some up next time you are at the store. Your body and tastebuds will thank you.

6. Honey Maid S’mores Cereal. 

Be still, my cereal lovin’ heart. Think honey grahams, cocoa puffs, and lucky charms marshmallows got together and had a baby… This is by far the best cereal I’ve had in a while because you get three different cereals in one. The most nutritionally dense cereal ever? No, but that doesn’t mean it’s not delicious. All foods can fit into a healthy diet in moderation, folks. I found this at Walmart. If you are a cereal connoisseur like myself, you need this cereal like… yesterday.

7. Hot Miami Styles.

This is probably going to be the only non-food item on this list of monthly favorites so you know it’s gotta be good. This is where i ordered my most recent bikini. The suit i ordered was called the “Neon Pink High Waste Bikini” in a size small top/bottom. ( or search @hotmiamistyles on instagram). Super cute suits, reasonably priced, and true to size suits. Myself, Morgan and a few others of my friends have ordered from here and we all have had great success. I always question whether or not it is a good idea to order swimsuits online because that can always be a disaster, but based off their sizing guide and the styles of their suits, i had no problems. Plus, this suit shipped out fast and I had it within about a week from ordering. If you are in currently trying to decide where to buy your  next swimsuit, go checkout Hot Miami Styles.

There we have it– my favorites (mostly food) for the month of July. I am curious what some of your favorites have been for the past month or so… Please leave a comment and share below. 

As i have mentioned a few times, i am trying really hard to step up my blogging game. With that being said, i would love to know what topics y’all would like to hear/learn/read more about. Never hesitate to leave a comment, message me, email me, whatever it may be, with any topic ideas or questions you may have. 

Thanks so much for taking the time out of your Friday to read my blog and keep checking back for more. Talk soon,
































Tracking the “Untrackable”

HELLO, my fabulous friends! Long time no chat… i know i know, it’s pretty typical at this point. (I’m working on it, okay? lol). I won’t go into a ramble about that right now, instead, we will just jump right into today’s blog topic which is…


What do I mean by this?

Well… if you follow me on any of my various social medias (if you don’t follow me, what you doinnnnnn? You definitely should, duh, find my social media handles here), you know that since i moved down to NOLA, i am beyond obsessed with doughnuts… District Donuts to be exact.

I have been a “flexible dieter” for quite some time now so tracking my macros is nothing new to me. I am enjoying tracking at this time and i know that it is a really great way that i can continue to reach my goals without feeling restricted or deprived. Yes, i am currently in a cutting phase. However, this does not mean that i can’t still eat donuts, or other foods that i enjoy. I am not dieting for a show, or something super strict, more so just doing a “lifestyle” diet , for lack of a better word. It is a lot less strict or extreme than a bikini prep diet, so if i still want to go out and enjoy donuts i can easily do so.

But, because District Donuts is a local shop as opposed to a large chain like Dunkin Donuts, Tim Horton’s, or Krispy Kreme, the calories and macro nutrient breakdowns cannot be found on apps such as MyFitnessPal. Does this stop me from enjoying these donuts? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

So how exactly do I still enjoy these donuts, track them (or not), and still make progress towards my cutting/physique goals? Continue reading below.

*Please note, that this is more so my philosophy for everyday life, lifestyle “diets, and simply living… as opposed to something that needs more structure and accuracy with macros like a bikini competition prep.

  • The BIGGEST piece of advice i have for tracking untrackable foods, is find a food equivalent on MyFitnessPal, or online, that is a similar food or the same food, as the food you are going to be eating. For example, if I was going to be eating a glazed donut from district, i would search on MFP “glazed donut”. While the macros may not be exact, you can get the general idea.
  • Once you have searched the food item on MFP, take the time to look at several of the entries. Generally, i choose the item that seems to be the average. For example, if the majority of the entries have about 50 carbs, i would choose one of those food entries as opposed to one that says it has 25.
  • It is also important to use your common sense. By now, if you have been tracking for a while you know a little bit about the macronutrient breakdown of the foods you eat. Roughly estimating the macros for donuts is possible…. i would say at least 12 ish grams of fat, carbs depending on the complexity of the donut, and low protein at about 5 ish grams. Obviously this varies between what type of donut it is, if it’s filled, what it is topped with, etc…
  • You could also use the more manual approach and add the donut toppings individually. Say it’s a yeast donut with chocolate icing and peanut butter cups on top. You could add each part into MFP separately. Yeast donut + chocolate icing + peanut butter cup. From here you would guesstimate the amount of each. If a serving of chocolate icing is 2 tbsp and your donut appears to have two servings, add two servings. If it looks like there’s two crushed up reese cups on top of your donut, add two reese cups.
  • Some basic donut knowledge to throw in there: Krispy Kreme tends to be a “lighter” type of donut while donuts from say Dunkin seem to be more dense. So, if you are eating a more light and fluffy glazed donut, search “glazed donut krispy kreme” and go from there.
  • You also need to be okay with not being 100% accurate. It is important to realize that since you are roughly tracking, you might not be hitting your macros perfectly, but you are doing your best and that is okay! You need to be okay with estimating, enjoying your donut, and then be able to move on your day without stressing about whether or not you went over your macros.
  • If you are super concerned about going “too far” over your macros, or concerned with underestimating the macros, you can always overestimate. Tack on a few extra fat grams or carb grams into MFP. (You can add 1g of fat by searching “fat in grams” on MFP. Same goes for carbs and protein).

The above tips for tracking donuts, or other “ultrackable” foods may seem complicated or overwhelming at first, but i promise it does get easier each time you do it. I keep using donuts as an example (because let’s be honest, i have been eating them a lot lol) but these tips can apply to pretty much anything… from donuts to cupcakes, froyo, pizza, you name it.

I wanted to do this post to show you guys that it is possible to eat delicious foods that are difficult to track without stressing because the food doesn’t have a nutritional label attached to the back. Simply find a similar food item on MFP, use your common sense, guesstimate toppings and portion sizes, and ENJOY IT without stressing over the accuracy of the numbers. If you don’t want to track your macros or guesstimate, that is COOL too. There is a time and place for tracking and guesstimating and there is a time and place for just eating donuts because you want to.  Moral of the story? Just do what’s best for you, boo.

I really am going to try to get back into the swing of blogging on a regular basis so please leave a comment and let me know what you want to see. I am open to any and all suggestions so please don’t hesitate to throw out any ideas. The more ideas the better lol.

Please like and share this post if you found it to be helpful and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any exciting posts to come!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog and keep checking back for more. 

Talk soon (promise),